Texas Czech Genealogical Society
Texas Czech genealogical Society

Texas Czech Pioneers

The Texas Czech Pioneers project was launched in 2013 and pictorially portrays Texas Czech immigrants and their families. Its beginnings started as “Early Texas Czech Settlers” as a portable display at TCGS events. These photos will be displayed at our new facility in Caldwell at a later date.
We continue to accept copies of your original photos and would like to honor your Czech immigrants and families. Photos are accepted throughout the year and go on display on Dec. 1st of each year in conjunction with the Christmas Open House.
We would like to include your photos. To submit photos, please include these criteria:
  1. Names (including maiden names of wives) of each person in the photo (if an individual is not known, please state ‘Unknown’ Girl/Woman/Boy/Man)
  2. Village(s) of Origin
  3. Immigration date (date of arrival) and port of arrival
  4. Locations settled in Texas (town/community & county)
  5. Date (actual or decade) the photo was taken
  6. Your name and relation to the Czech Pioneers in your photo
Submittal of photos:
  1. Copies only of your original photos (they will NOT be returned)
  2. Digital copies (jpg, tiff, psd, Microsoft Publisher ) accepted on disk or by email. Resolution: 300 dpi